Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

3.3 Email to a Former Student (Draft 2)

3.3 Email to a Former Student (Draft 2)

Q Using the feedback you received from your peers and your instructor, as well as the tips on revision and editing discussed in the informal reports, revise and submit Draft 2 of your Email to a Former Student. Include a self-evaluation on a separate page where you discuss your strengths and weaknesses with revising this assignment.

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TO: FROM: DATE: January 20, 2021 SUBJ: Setting up a date and time for discussing experience of previous student Dear Previous Student, I have received your previous email about your past experience at the DePaul University. However, I want to virtually interact with you more to know more about your experience at the DePaul University. I am interested to get some more tips from you so that I can perform better in this course. I want to be more prepared professionally by including your detailed experience to receive better grades in this course. I would prefer any time between Saturday and Sunday all day of the coming week to discuss with you about your experience.